Top 5 FAQ’s with Dr.Beri on Laser Hair Removal

  1. How does Laser Hair Removal Work?

Laser hair removal is a process in which laser heat and light waves are used to destroy the hair follicle. The technique used creating heat in a pigmented follicle that absorbs light which heats up and destroys the hair cells. 

2. Is the process permanent? 

This is a very common question, and the best way to answer is , yes once the follicle and the underlying hair stem cells are destroyed  there will be no hair growth. But it is important to keep in mind that the results depend on how many follicles, genetics, thickness of hair, consistency and most importantly the sessions that were applied. It is safe to assume that each treatment causes a “reduction on the total number of follicles, and over time the hair growth and hair follicles get reduced significantly. It is a myth to assume that a single session or 2-3 sessions will completely remove all hair.

3. How many sessions are needed?

Again this process depends on the hair thickness, follicle, number and ethnicity/ genetics of the person. I would definitely recommend a minimum of 3 sessions to start seeing a difference, which in my honest experience when you start to shave or pluck less and less. You notice the hair growth is slower and one also notices that not all the hair follicles grow back in, it is more patchy.

 4. Who is the ideal candidate for laser hair removal?

I have always looked at Laser hair removal as a necessity for women and never Vanity. In our busy and hectic schedules spending fifteen minutes to over an hour grooming the hair is burdensome specially if its daily or even few times a week. I feel this is the best bank for your buck if you are tired of ingrown hair, shaving, bumps and skin irritation/pigmentation from shaving/ plucking/ waxing. 

WIth new technology, Laser hair removal can be performed on a wide range of skin types. Once must have good experience to perform LHR on ethnic skin, Being Enthinc skin myself, I have done many ranges of skin types and feel our laser works safely and effectivly on all skin types. Caution is always used and the heat is adjusted based on the skin. I do always recommend getting a consultation so we can go over all contraindications and understand clearly expectations and what to expect.

There are some contraindications that should be kept in mind regardless of hair type / skin type: Pregnancy, on seizure medications( sensitivity to light), or hx of Keloids are some of them. 

5.Are there any effects or down time with this procedure?

I can proudly say that our laser technology has minimal to no downtime. I usually tell patient that they should avoid sun bathing for the first 24 hours, use sun block in general. Also one contraindication for most laser treatments that i emphasize on is not to use fake tanning beds before, during or after laser procedures.

Have more questions? Schedule a consult here or Book your first appointment !


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